The penetration of computers in all fields of human activity has triggered an unpredictable process of transformation that affects both the collective and the individual sphere, making, for the first time in the history of evolution, witnesses aware and conscious of our mutation.

Technology and digital media are part of our environment as well as the air we breathe by influencing both the dynamics of social and economic processes as the patterns and configurations of our body-mind. In a few years in adapting to this environment we have developed and acquired increased capacity due to extensive implant emotional day use to create, represent, and relate.

We are crossing a border zone in which the ongoing transformation is not yet fully completed, and the future status not yet determined, but we are already “other” hybrid technology, digital symbionts. So much bound and dependent on technology than we realize more of its presence, and this increases the depth of its invisibility effects indeterminacy of the historical phase.

As in all processes of transformation and transition phases, we live in the tension of the liminal, a place with no boundaries blurred and uncertain, more or less consciously experiencing what Victor Turner calls the “field of pure possibility, which may arise from the configurations new ideas and relationships. ”

“Connecting online” is much more than a mere occurrence of technology, be aware of this phase of our evolution is to have an awareness of the increased possibilities for individual action and collective, to recognize the power of collaboration and sharing of practices, experience and live the fascination with new media as tools for the construction of meaning, goodness and beauty of the town.

What is the role of the artist in this scenario? In the era of the media must be admitted to advanced artists (digital) a key role, a role of effective interpreters of the endless web of interactions between humans and technology. The product of art is part of an increasingly complex, and the artists are not just mere producers and performers, but the real actors of cultural evolution, in that they can act as interfaces between practical and useful knowledge. Recording artists such as medium-sensitive, critical thresholds, gates that allow essential practical experience plural forms of access to sensitive, we offer the possibility of establishing a ‘symbolic intimacy with the complex realities of digital technology, making viewers / players in the creation of “new”.

[ traduci | translate : Italian ]