Project Description

Super8 film projectors amplified, prepared films, mirrors, Do–It–Yourself lightsensible device.

“70 fps is my camera’s highest shooting speed, the greatest number of frames per second i can afford, 70, and, viceversa, the greatest slow-motion I can afford in projection, the greatest slowness, because I’m a slow guy. Speed and slowness get mixed up in this kind of freak show which exists only in the real time of sight. A slow time of sight, because i’m also a little bit blind. Playing the image, playing the light and its cracks of darkness, using eyes like careful ears, trying to listen to the light. The super8 film becomes a neutral filter were to draw signs, scratches and spots that i can use, during performances, to play the light and to crack the image”

70 fps is the “expanded cinema” project by Andrea Saggiomo, filmmaker and performer living in Napoli. Based on a interaction device that involves projectors, films, light and sound affecting each other, 70fps produces a completely live audio-visual show, a movie different every time, whose main characters are the instruments themselves, magnified, put in interaction and, this way, made poetical matter.
A cinema that talks about itself, a poetry of light and sound, primal elements of our perception, here celebrated in their pure beauty.

Andrea Saggiomo lives in Napoli. In 2007 he founded his own theater company. In 2008 he won Nuove Sensibilità contest with the show “I canti di Maldoror”. In 2009 he won Cantieri Teatrali for Fabbrica Europa contest with the show “I fiori d Arancio”. Both the shows have been performed in international and national festivals. His last show “Villon: il romanzo del peto del diavolo” made his debut in Napoli in November 2011. Since 2010 he collaborates to the organization of Altera! festival. The project 70 fps comes with the theatrical practice and interacts with it, being the between of relations with other artists and musicians beyond the theater world.

The independent label Viande has recently released 70 fps’ first DVD “But you are“.