Project Description

Faceless is an electronic mirror and like any mirror reflects what it sees.
Through a cam, Faceless capture what it has in front, reproducing the image in the mirror of the monitor after the processing of the computer.
The application scans the image collected in search of human faces. People who will mirror will see themselves reflected in the monitor, but their face will be overlaid with a mask, another face, taken from a database of faces, some pre-loaded, others gathered in the activity time of the application.

Faceless is part of a personal journey of study and approach of the OpenCV libraries, and is intended to solicit reflections on the techniques of photographic analysis, accessible to all, and now commonly adopted by major social networks, web search engines, up to areas of active surveillance more or less automated.

The installation suggests questions, now actual and widely diffused and discussed, about our privacy, our image and their economic value in the time of the global network.