Project Description

Tweet, Like, Share, everyday gestures and actions to which we are accustomed, and to which we no longer do without, the result of the use and abuse of new technologies and the desire to share and communicate the so-called “network generation”, so that the social desire itself and virtual relationships will cause a shift away from real human relationships.

The continuous repetition of mechanical actions of which we know the outcome, but for which we can no longer do without it, is represented in its essentiality by this machine, the “useless machine”, literally the most useless machine in the world.

Its simple and essential design, it was designed to arouse curiosity and encourage you to make a simple gesture, turning on a switch, a gesture to which the machine rebels, returning the switch to its previous state.

Even knowing the result, the user will tend to repeat the gesture over and over again, until you surrender to the “will” of the machine.